Welcome To My Blog!



My name is Dakota Smith. I am a senior Film and Media Arts major from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. When I'm back home on Cape Cod I love to go to the beach, hang out with my family and friends, and work. This past summer was my second year working as a Wedding Videographer and it was so much fun. I love to travel around Cape and see all the different weddings with everyone's cultures and personal twists added on (this past summer there was a fireworks show at one!). Speaking of traveling, I love traveling! I have been all up and down the East Coast of the USA, and abroad twice. The first time I went abroad, I visited Northern Italy and stayed with a host family for two weeks. It was so interesting to see their culture and how different they lived over there. The second time, was this past summer (the photo above!) when I visited around the United Kingdom. My favorite place I went to was Holmes Chapel, a small town near Manchester, England. It is home to my all time favorite music artist, Harry Styles, who I saw in concert while visiting. I have seen Harry perform while he was in the band One Direction once and 9 times as a solo artist over the past four years, 8 of them being in the past year. I love the atmosphere of concerts in general, but Harry's shows are so welcoming to everyone. I have made most of my friends through the fandom and I wouldn't change a thing. 

Being such a massive fan girl has led me to want to work in the entertainment industry since I was much younger. I have seen what good can come from watching movies, or listening to a song, and I really want to continue that legacy after graduation.

This is my last semester at UT, so I wanted to take 2D animation as an elective. I took 3D animation last spring and it was a challenging course, but I loved learning new topics and using a different software I've never used before. I want to learn more about animation, so I think this course will be a fun way of doing so!

Fun Fact: I am on the executive board of both Student Productions and Delta Kappa Alpha, the Film Fraternity.
